Christmas 2007

The Clements Christmas 2007

We started out our New Year so tired we didn’t have our New Year’s champagne until noon that day.I finally decided I had to make some serious New Year Resolutions or I wasn’t going to survive this year.
I made up my mind to finally quit my job at Raytheon after 19 years. The drive to McKinney everyday, along with all the overtime we were required to work had to come to an end. I managed to make it until May.
We celebrated Elise’s Kindergarten Graduation on May the 18th. The next day we left for Disney World for a graduation present / vacation. We splurged and stayed at the Grand Floridian. It was a once in a lifetime trip. We all had so much fun. Everyone needs to go at least once.Me and Elise enjoyed the entire summer together. I felt like I had missed out on the last two years of her life by working so much. She’s growing up into quite a little lady and I enjoyed every minute we spent together.
I decided by the end of the summer I would try to find a part time job to give me something to do when she started school. I went to work in the cafeteria at Ginnings Elementary where she started school in August. I just love it. I only work 4 hours a day. The best part is it’s only 3 minutes from our house, I get to see her at lunch and I get off the same days she does especially summer vacation.I finally got to enjoy some of the things I like to do. We made a trip to Forestburg in June to pick some wild plums . The jelly I made out of them won 2nd place at the fair here in Denton. I also won 8 ribbons for my herbs at the Flower and Herb show this year.Russ’s half brother Don passed away on July 4th. He was in the hospital with pneumonia and they think he had a blood clot. He will be missed.One of our fondest memories over the last two years were the 2 batches of kittens that Mama Max our abandoned / adopted cat gave us. That all turned to sadness starting in April. Boo my favorite one from the first batch got sick and we had to have him put to sleep. We decided to have Buster tested and found out he also had the Feline Leukemia Virus . The vet told us just to enjoy him as long as we could. We finally had to have him put to sleep in June. Mama Max died December 9th. Elise had a hard time dealing with the death of Boo and Buster. We kept telling her they were in heaven with her Grandma and that she would take care of them. Poor Russ had a 2nd job this year digging graves in the backyard.During the Christmas Tree Lighting Festival, Santa gave Elise a letter asking her if she would take care of his magical puppy J. B. (Jingle Bells for short). He said he was so busy during the month of December he didn’t have time to play with him. He thought it would be fun for him to spend Christmas vacation in Texas. We have had a lot of fun with him. He made us red and green pancakes like Mrs. Claus does. One day we came home from school and found him and Frosty having a snowball fight in Elise’s bedroom. He said he liked Texas snowballs (cotton balls) you could play with them in the house and they didn’t melt. We’ll miss him when Santa picks him up on Christmas Eve. We hope he gets to come back next year.This has been the year of dogs for us at the Clements household. I don’t think a stuffed dog has been made that Elise doesn’t have. Santa will be bringing a Sheep Dog and Chocolate Lab E-Pets, a Shining Star Beagle, a Chocolate Lab Rescue Pet and a Dalmatian Webkin.Elise had a Christmas party for her Brownie troop last night. Tomorrow me and some friends are having a Goody Exchange Party. I’m making Velveeta Cheese Fudge, Peanut Patties and lots of cookies.Russ has outdone himself again on the Christmas lights. It’s just like the Griswolds around here. I laugh every December. I can’t use my hair dryer in the bathroom. It’s on the same circuit as the lights. It blows the breaker every time I use it. I don’t like to see the electric bill when it comes in January either. Oh...What the heck...Christmas comes but once a year.I ask one favor from all of you this year. Please add Jennifer to your prayers. She went for her sonogram Tuesday and found out we will be having a new grandson in April. They found out that his heart in turned backwards and he will have to have surgery when he is born, again at 6 months and several more through the years. I know he will be in good hands since his mom is a nurse.

Hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
         Russ, Judy and Elise


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